How to Iron on Patches: A DIY Guide
Iron on patches is a great way to add something unique to old clothing and accessories and add a personal twist to them. It can be your jacket, purse, or shoes, custom iron on patches can significantly add to the look and feel of virtually anything in your closet.
The best part? You can iron on patches yourself and that would save you some money and while give you the satisfaction of creating something truly unique. Custom iron on patches are easy to attach to your garments. Here, we have come up with a step-by-step guide to make things easier and to make sure you don't ruin your garments while trying to DIY.
Things You'll Need
When customizing your garments or accessories with iron on patches, you'll need a few things to start with.
An Iron
An Iron board
Your Patch
Your clothing you want to customize
A thin piece of fabric like a towel to protect your patch and clothing from heat
Best Materials for Iron on Patches
Iron on patches are great for customizing your garments but does not work well with certain fabrics like nylon, leather, rayon, or waterproofing materials. They are great for materials like cotton and polyester though. So, make sure your garment is can be ironed and is of favorable material before you begin.
How to Press Iron on Patches
Iron on patches are super easy to apply. You just have to follow these steps:
1. Heat the Iron
While heating your iron make sure it's in its highest heat settings. This will work in fixing the patch properly to your garment.
2. Plan Where You Want to Attach the Patch
Lay out your piece of clothing on the ironing board and place it in front of you. Now place the patch at the spot of your choice on the clothing where you want to attach it. The adhesive side should be laid flat against the clothing.
If you are ironing something other than a garment like shoes, or hats, or other stuff that does not lie flat, stuff the insides of them with towels. This is to ensure proper contact between your accessories and the iron used for patching.
3. Place a Thin Cloth over the Patch
Now cover the front the side of your patch with a thin cloth-like a thin towel. This will make sure that no direct contact between the iron and your patch happens and will thus protect the fabric of your clothing from the heat.
4. Iron the Patch
Now it's time to go with your ironing. Place the iron over the patch and the cloth for 30 seconds. If any particular instructions came with your patch as to how long to hold the iron on it, then hold your iron for that amount of time instead.
Now once the patch is fixed, turn your clothing inside out and lay it flat on your ironing board again. Now, place the thin towel over the backside of the patch and press and hold the iron on it one more time. This is to make sure the patch attaches nicely and firmly.
This is how to iron on patches on your garments and accessories. It's super-easy to perform and adds a personal touch to your clothing. You can also use custom iron on patches to hide torn or damaged spots on your garments and give them a fresh and unique look.

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